Monday, December 15, 2014

Aleph Champ in action!

Learning to read and write in Hebrew takes hard work and persistence. But, the children in Chabad Hebrew School are engaged in a fun learning experience that helps build their fluency in the language while also boosting their confidence in their Hebrew reading capabilities. With our interactive Hebrew learning program, Aleph Champ, the children are moving up level by level, improving in their reading abilities with all the practice and effort that they invest. Below you will see some of the various activities that the children engage in during the Aleph Champ program each week. 

 Here the students in the red level are putting the Aleph Bet cards in order.

 These Purple Aleph Champs are playing a game of Aleph Bet Dreidel. Each letter on the dreidel not only represents a move to make regarding the coins, but also dictates what Aleph Bet review method is required. Whether it is reading a flashcard, two flashcards, or reading a line in the reader book, the children get a thorough review of Hebrew reading as well as lots of Chanukah fun!
 Using these colorful wooden sticks, these students formed the Hebrew letters that they are currently learning. 

 The children enjoyed shaping Hebrew letters with playdough. This will help them in both reading and writing skills.

The K-1 class is preparing to join the Aleph Champ program by learning the Aleph Bet letters as well as Hebrew words beginning with each letter. In addition, the children learn about the holidays and Jewish concepts together with the Aleph Bet letters that relate to them.

As you can see below, the children squeezed olives and spoke about the process of creating olive oil while learning about both Chanukah and the Hebrew letter Zayin which begins the word 'Zayit' (olive)

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