Monday, October 27, 2014

A day of Unity!

The excitement was in the air as the children from Chabad Hebrew School of Greenwich, CT. filed into the building. These were faces we had never seen before, yet through the several activities we did together, we realized that we actually had so much in common. We are all kids around the same age. We are all Jewish. We all go to Chabad Hebrew School!

 We divided into two teams, with each side having kids from Franklin Lakes and Greenwich. We pulled and pulled out until we were done, but Rabbi Kaplan reminded us that those who worked together and had fun are the real winners. 

 Another activity we thoroughly enjoyed was a people hunt. We had to find different people from the other school who could sign for us! We looked for someone with the same birthday month as us, someone with the name Nicole, and someone with the same car as us. We realized just how many similarities we have!

It was so special to meet many new Jewish kids and get to interact with them.
Rabbi Kaplan explained that all Jews are one family. Whether you find yourself in Alaska, Australia, or Italy, you will find a Chabad Jewish Center and you can feel at home. 
"Am Yisrael Chai!"


The second Jewish Hero we are learnt about is Issac/Yitzchak. Yitzchak had many great attributes for us to learn from as he was a great man and a father of the Jewish people. One thing which sticks out when hearing the stories in the Torah about Yitzchak are the miracles that took place at his birth. 

 Every child that is born is a miracle. It is an awesome experience that every mother can relate to as she remembers the moments she heard that first cry. Imagine Sara. She was already 90 years old, yet childless. When three angles visited Avraham and Sara's tent to inform them about a baby that would be born to them, Sara laughed. Who wouldn't? It seems completely impossible. Until 'Miracles' step in. When G-d performs a miracle, especially a clear and open one, the unimaginable can happen.

The students in the fifth and sixth grades internalized this message as they acted out the miracle story of Yitzchak's birth. G-d is constantly orchestrating the world and its every detail. Even things which we may dismiss as 'nature' is the hand of G-d.With every leaf that blows in the wind and every crash of thunder, we are witnessing miracles. Notice the miracles that G-d does at every moment, and don't forget to say Thank You!!