Sunday, September 15, 2013

First Day HS! Welcome!

Welcome back to Chabad Hebrew School.  We're looking forward to a great year together.

The 7th Graders discussed a different aspect of Sukkot.
 Sukkot has two opposite dynamics.  It's a holiday of Insecurities:
we live in a unstable structure for 8 days, yet Sukkot is the holiday of Joy!  How do reconcile the two?
When one has faith in G-d, it helps us ride through our challenges and fears and overcome them with Joy!
Howard Tiersky, who was trained by Tony Robbins,
came and did a presentation/ motivational talk on how to overcome fears.
Our Sukkot lesson inspiration was discovering what really brings joy into our life. 
Sukkot is the most joyous holiday, yet we eat and practically live in this temporary structure outside in the fall season!
The Sukkah teaches us that true joy comes from meaningful people, experiences, effort, emotions etc. not from material things we acquire in life.
The students each came up with what brings true joy in to their lives.  It was inspirational listening and reading the thoughtful answers.
Edible Sukkas!
Sukkah decorations! Boys vs. Girls...who won??

Aleph Champ...Match it!

Aleph Champ...who can guess the letter?

Aleph Champ...vowel review!

Aleph Champ...Introduction to the Aleph Bet!  Using blocks to form letters. 

Time with Justin!

Aleph Champ...step on it!
Around the world with the Aleph Bet!
Our volunteers created a surprise!
Snack (and friendship) time!
