Monday, October 7, 2013

Sunday/ Oct. 6/ Kosher Supermarket, Divine Providence, Jewish Holidays, Prayers

Kitah Daled/ Grade 4 followed up on the Jewish Months lesson form last week.  We went through the Jewish Holidays of the year  to give them a sense of the Jewish Year.  They put together puzzle pieces and matched it to their descriptions to find out which holiday the collected.  They wrapped up the lesson with a review song and scrapbook! 

Our Cheshvan Birthday club.  At the beginning of each Jewish month/ Rosh Chodesh, we will highlight the birthday children of the month in our school with a birthday package reminder to celebrate their Jewish birthday the Jewish way! 
A Jewish Birthday is celebrated by: Giving Charity, Learning Torah, Committing to a New Resolution and Celebrating that G-d gave us a very much needed beautiful addition to the world!

Kitah Zayin/ Grade 7 Ulpan/ Hebrew Language program continued
with two new words through a fun activity.
We found a Kochev/ Star in a Tapuach/ Apple
Kitahs Hey and Vav/ Grades 6 and 7 learned about Hashgacha Protis/ Divine Providence as part of their Itorah Curriculum.
Here they try to figure out the stereograms, learning that the picture we see in the scenarios on this world are not the full picture. We just see one puzzle piece in most scenarios.
Hashem/ G-d rules the world and all he does is for the best!
We pray that we see the good in all.

Nothing is a coincidence, everything is for a reason.  Everyone we meet, everything we see,
interact with is for a reason.  Nothing is by chance.  When we begin to look at the world
through that angle we can make the most of every situation we're in; good, challenging or just passing moments.

Kitah Aleph - Bet/ Grades 1-2 made pillow cases with the
morning prayer "Modeh Ani" and the "Shema" Prayer we  say
before we go to sleep.
Modeh Ani is the thankful prayer/ thanking G-d for another day and the good things we have in our life
as soon as we open our eyes.
The Shema Prayer reminds us that Hashem is always there.
We learned that Hashem gave us a special gift, a reminder that we have so much to be grateful for as we open our eyes,
and in the evening remembering G-d, reminds us not to fear and to take an account of our actions at the end of the day.
The students brought home mission cards as a reminder to bring into practice what they learned.
We also sent home cards with the prayer in Hebrew and English.
Try to say it with your child at least once this week, and then try making it part of the routine.

As part of the 7th/ Hebrew High curriculum we explore Judaism in a
hands on fashion.  We went to a Beautiful new Supermarket in Monsey, "Evergreen", to see
how kosher meat and fish is chosen and handled, what kosher in a bakery means,
and what makes processed products kosher. 
By going up and down the aisles
we noticed so many kosher choices we can make on a regular basis with products we're already using.
We ended the trip with a visit next door to a kosher Yogurt Bar.
The most amazing part of the experience was being surrounded by so many Jews!!!!!!!!

Sept. 29/ Jewish Months/ Mezuzah/ Ebarrassing Others/ Belief in G-d

Mezuzah Lesson: Grades 1-3 are focusing on the Jewish Home.  We discussed that a Jewish Home is recognized by a Mezuzah at the entrance.  We learned that a Mezuzah has the Shema inside and reminds us upon entering our Home that Hashem is always watching over us and protecting us!!
It is also a reminder of Hashem/ G-d and how we'd like to behave.  It's a great reminder before we enter.  The children shared ideas of what type of behavior  and mitzvot we'd like to do with this reminder.
The children used feather and ink to write the special letters as they are written in the Torah on Parchment.
We learned that only a Sofer/ Scribe can write a Mezuzah  (Torah, Megillah, or Tefillin).
A sofer use parchment and feather only from kosher animals.  A Sofer prepares himself with Prayer, Mitzvot and concentration on good things prior to writing.
The children raced around the building finding the Mezuzahs.

Although the most important area for a Mezuzah is the entrance, we learned that all areas we spend time in (not closets or restrooms) should have a Mezuzah as well (especially bedrooms).
We will be making our own Mezuzahs and Rabbi Kaplan can come to anyone's home who would like to have a Mezuzah put up.  We learned the most important part is the parchment with the Shema written on it.
Kitah Daled/ Grade 4: Jewish Months Lesson
Facts: Jewish Calendar is Lunar, Jewish Holidays in each month, Our Jewish Birthday
After learning about how the Jewish Calendar works; according to the moon, we discussed the lessons we learn from the moon.
Inspiration: The Jewish Nation wanes and grows just like the moon.
It may seem grim at times but we always bounce back.
We too should never be down, there's always a brighter tomorrow.

We learned that all holidays are on specific Jewish dates with reason and as for our birthday our Neshama/ Soul and Mazal/ Luck shines on our Jewish Birthday.
We created our scrapbook Jewish Months Page
We put the months in order and highlighted our Jewish Birthdays!
Please help us celebrate it on that day!

Kitah Hey and Vav / Grades 6-7 focused on the lesson of Itorah on Emunah/ Faith
Please ask them what they learned.
Some facts: G-d created the world from nothing in 6 days.
Everything in the world we see, we don't question whether it had to be created by something.
The world was created by G-d.
G-d keep recreating the world to keep it going.
True meaning for Emunah is belief not faith
Belief is a step higher than faith, it's not blind faith
When we know Hashem is in charge it gives us peace!
Faith in G-d help us feel secure, safe and happy!!!!
Ask your child to share the story of Rabbi Yehuda.
Smiley face cookies in connection to Peace and Happiness that comes along with Emunah/ Faith
Grade 7 on the right using the cookies with their Hebrew Words they learned

Our Hebrew High Rock!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sept. 29/ Aleph Champ

Using large wooden shapes to form the letters of the Aleph Bet on our Aleph Bet floor mat.

Playing around the world to help with reading fluency.  Notice how the students got very involved using all body parts for expression:)

Around the world for reading fluency!
This is very serious...It's a tight race!

Reviewing the Kamatz and Patach sounds.

Using play dough to form the Aleph Bet

Working Bechavrutah (with a partner) reading from a siddur in Purple Aleph Champ

Our "helpers" prepping the cookies for Hebrew Uplan/ the 7th graders who will be using their hebrew words to form smiley face cookies!

Sukkot Party/ Simchat Torah

Rabbi lead us in Tefillah/ Prayer. 
Throughout the year we bring the Hebrew School together for prayer to experience it together as one in the Synagouge.
G-d is extra attentive to our prayers when we pray as a community. 

On Simchat Torah we celebrate the completion of the reading of the Torah and initiating the new cycle.
The Torah is our guide to life and each week we live with the lessons of  the portion of the week.
Here the Students all came up to Kiss the open Torah on the Bimah.
Simon Bober and Ronnie Maryash show us how to make a blessing on the Lulav and Etrog.

Makin a blessing on the Lulav and Etrog in the Sukkah

Pizza party in the Sukkah

Creating Torah's out of sweets in honor of Simchat Torah.
Torah should be though of as sweet in a child's mind.

Singing in the Sukkah