Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Going back in time...over 2,000 years!

 The K-2 classes went back in time as they enacted the story of Chanukah!

King Antiochus desired to unify his Kingdom under one religion and culture. He was callous and wicked and decreed that no one in his empire would be allowed to practice another religion or believe in another G-d. If they would, they would face the fatal consequences. 

Then Land of Israel was part of King Antiochus's Greek Empire at that point in time and so the Jews were faced with a decision of sacrificing their lives to continue in their Jewish faith and keep the Torah.
Many Jews would not give up their religion and therefore studied Torah and did Mitzvot in hiding. When a Greek solider would come to their tent, they would quickly hide their Jewish books or items and pretend to be playing Dreidel.
There were a group of Jews led by Judah the Maccabee, (and his father Matisyahu) who decided to try to fight the Greeks. Although by nature it seemed impossible that they would win since they were such a small army with minimal ammunition and the Greek Army was tremendous and powerful,they trusted Hashem and went forward. 

{Looking at the map of Israel and discussing how the Maccabees fought the war against the Greeks.}

  G-d made a great miracle and the Maccabees won the war against the Greeks! The Jews now went to the Holy temple to find it completely disarrayed after the Greek soldiers had ransacked it placing a pig in it, defacing the Holiness of the Temple. The Jewish people were horrified by the sight before their eyes. They began cleaning up, and decided that the High Priest should light the Menorah as was done daily in the Holy Temple. However, they could only find one small flask of oil which had the seal of the High Priest. That would only be enough oil for one day of lighting the Menorah. It would take eight days until they could get a new batch of proper oil. G-d made a miracle, and the oil that should have only lasted int he Menorah for one day, lasted for eight!

 Because of these great miracles which Hashem performed for the Jewish people at that time, the Rabbi's declared these eight days as days of celebration. This is how the Holiday of Chanukah came to be. 

 On Chanukah it is a Mitzvah to light the menorah. Each night we add another light using olive oil or candles. We also have a custom to eat latkes or donuts- oily foods to remind us of the miracle. We play dreidel and thank G-d for the great miracles He performed for us then!

So, lets celebrate that we can be proud Jews and continue to practice our faith!!

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