Monday, October 7, 2013

Sept. 29/ Jewish Months/ Mezuzah/ Ebarrassing Others/ Belief in G-d

Mezuzah Lesson: Grades 1-3 are focusing on the Jewish Home.  We discussed that a Jewish Home is recognized by a Mezuzah at the entrance.  We learned that a Mezuzah has the Shema inside and reminds us upon entering our Home that Hashem is always watching over us and protecting us!!
It is also a reminder of Hashem/ G-d and how we'd like to behave.  It's a great reminder before we enter.  The children shared ideas of what type of behavior  and mitzvot we'd like to do with this reminder.
The children used feather and ink to write the special letters as they are written in the Torah on Parchment.
We learned that only a Sofer/ Scribe can write a Mezuzah  (Torah, Megillah, or Tefillin).
A sofer use parchment and feather only from kosher animals.  A Sofer prepares himself with Prayer, Mitzvot and concentration on good things prior to writing.
The children raced around the building finding the Mezuzahs.

Although the most important area for a Mezuzah is the entrance, we learned that all areas we spend time in (not closets or restrooms) should have a Mezuzah as well (especially bedrooms).
We will be making our own Mezuzahs and Rabbi Kaplan can come to anyone's home who would like to have a Mezuzah put up.  We learned the most important part is the parchment with the Shema written on it.
Kitah Daled/ Grade 4: Jewish Months Lesson
Facts: Jewish Calendar is Lunar, Jewish Holidays in each month, Our Jewish Birthday
After learning about how the Jewish Calendar works; according to the moon, we discussed the lessons we learn from the moon.
Inspiration: The Jewish Nation wanes and grows just like the moon.
It may seem grim at times but we always bounce back.
We too should never be down, there's always a brighter tomorrow.

We learned that all holidays are on specific Jewish dates with reason and as for our birthday our Neshama/ Soul and Mazal/ Luck shines on our Jewish Birthday.
We created our scrapbook Jewish Months Page
We put the months in order and highlighted our Jewish Birthdays!
Please help us celebrate it on that day!

Kitah Hey and Vav / Grades 6-7 focused on the lesson of Itorah on Emunah/ Faith
Please ask them what they learned.
Some facts: G-d created the world from nothing in 6 days.
Everything in the world we see, we don't question whether it had to be created by something.
The world was created by G-d.
G-d keep recreating the world to keep it going.
True meaning for Emunah is belief not faith
Belief is a step higher than faith, it's not blind faith
When we know Hashem is in charge it gives us peace!
Faith in G-d help us feel secure, safe and happy!!!!
Ask your child to share the story of Rabbi Yehuda.
Smiley face cookies in connection to Peace and Happiness that comes along with Emunah/ Faith
Grade 7 on the right using the cookies with their Hebrew Words they learned

Our Hebrew High Rock!

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